Commercial Design


Royal Plywood
Pty Ltd

6-11 Cosgrove Road, South Strathfield NSW


3600m2 warehouse development with a 4-storey office component to be the flag ship building for concrete formwork, tiles and accessories, which is due to complete in December 2020

BCA Classification : 5 Office, 7b Storage

Sector : Commercial

Ventura Building Certification are the Principal Certifiers for this development which has been subject to a number of design changes through the design process including how to compartment between the office and storage space. Originally the whole building was to be sprinkler protected, but the office was eventually fire separated from the warehouse, resulting in the office only requiring a fire detection system. Fire engineering performance solutions were accepted to cover the proximity of the adjacent building and the discharge of exits


The Gateway

1 Salmon Close, Cranebrook NSW

Construction of a new industrial units including self-storage, café and ancillary office

BCA Classification : 5 Office, 6 Retail and 7b Storage/Industrial

Sector : Industrial

Performance Solutions:

Ventura Building Surveyors were engaged as the Principal Certifiers for the industrial units which were subject to a number of fire related performance solutions. Building G is a 3 storey self-storage and industrial building combined. The building is over 2000m2 which triggered the need for sprinklers. It was designed to remove the need for sprinklers by reducing the fire compartments to less than 2000m2 and 12,000m3 with a fire wall down the middle of the building.


Nelson House, Offices

283 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW

The scheme involved alterations to existing commercial warehouse building including minor internal demolition, changes to ground floor glazing, construction of new entrance and stairs from street level, improved disabled access, upgrade of lift cars, base building works in basement and mezzanine including rear terrace area, strip out and making good of office levels 1 to 8, and repairs and conservation

BCA Classification : 5 Office

Sector : Commercial

Heritage: Locally listed heritage item under Schedule 5 of the Sydney LEP 2012, known as the ‘Former warehouse “Nelson House” including interiors and rear yard.

Performance Solutions:

Fire Engineering – reduction in fire resistance levels of existing structure, protection of openings


Mixed Use Development

24-26 Railway Parade, Westmead NSW

BCA Classification :

Class 3 (Hotel)

Class 5 (Commercial & Medical Centre)

Class 6 (Retail, Supermarket & Tavern)

Class 7a Car Park

Class 9b (Conference Facilities)

Sector : Mixed use commercial

Performance Solutions: 

Ventura Building Surveyors have been involved in the project since the early stage of design where we have carried out BCA assessments prior to DA to ensure the compliance elements would not affect the design once the DA was approved. The scheme underwent a number of design changes as the client changed their minds with the proportions of mixed use elements. We were on hand to undertake assessments as the design evolved.